
2024-2025 Courses Offerings
1st Semester
    • Prerequisite Courses: 10011021
    • Core Courses: 20013001
    • Language Electives: 3050 (Business  Korean), 4003 (Advanced Korean)
    • KORE 3119 (overseas language)
    • Content Electives2024 (KF Visiting Lecturer/Intro do Korean cinema), 2035 (Society and Thoughts in Korea), KORE2044 (The Korean War)
    • KORE3034 (internship)*
2nd Semester
    • Prerequisite Courses: 10021021
    • Core Courses: 2002, 3002
    • Language Electives: 2021 (Reading), 3023 (Writing), 
    • KORE3119 (Overseas language)
    • Content Electives: 2026 (KF Visiting Lecturer/Women’s Voice), 2032 (Korean Literature)
    • KORE3034 (internship)*
    • Capstone experience: 4009 (A, B: Korean studies research seminar)

*KORE3034 Internship: this is only for pre-approved students. Read the course description on the Korean Studies BA Syllabus first (click), if you have an appropriate internship for the credits, approach the SMLC office (

 KORE4009 (Capstone) 
Prerequisite:KORE2032. Korean literature in translation: sentiments and human relationships in modern Korean fiction or KORE2033. Modern and contemporary Korea: modernity and social change or KORE2034. Gender, sexuality, and family in Korea or KORE2035. Society and thoughts in Korea or KORE2044. The Korean War: Origins, aftermath, reconstruction, and remembrance or KORE3032. Directed readings in Korean Studies or KORE3042. Advanced seminar in Korean Studies or KORE3043. Border-crossing literature from Korea and beyond
*If you took one of the above courses but have trouble enrolling  KORE4009 on your SIS, please contact the SMLC office for manual enrollment. If you took one of the special courses the programme previously announced as a prerequisite for capstone, also contact the SMLC office for manual enrollment. 

2024-2025 Inter-disciplinary Elective Courses Short Description, please click here (Language) and here (content).

KORE1021 is offered in both semesters; KORE4009 is offered only in Semester 2.

2024-2025 Korean Studies course schedule, please click here

Placement test for the Korean language course

Please read this document first! (KORE1001 registration Issues on SIS

The Korean language programme offers placement tests for students with prior knowledge of the Korean language. [Below link will open on Sept 1, 2023]


    • The placement test will be a written test, and the interview for about 20 minutes. You MUST choose one timeslot. 
    • Please click the link for the placement test (Please rename it with your full English name, not an email address)